Tea Tattler Relaunch
When I first launched Tea Tattler, it was a very different time in the world and in my blogging career. At that time, we only had to contend with looking for an audience, and exploring the enjoyment of tea. Much has gone by since then.
Tea Tattler Relaunch
A Difficult 2020
This past one year has been most difficult for many people. Thankfully, tea and its simple pleasures has been a constant refuge. When all else seem to have fallen prey to the pandemic, tea soothes and calms the soul.
Day to Day Activities Have Become Challenging
However, there is a sense that people are needing more than just a temporal relief provided by food and drinks. All that we took for granted in our modern society have fallen by the wayside. Day to day things like going to work and school, grocery shopping, and keeping doctors’ appointments have all become very challenging.
Limited Social Activities
Dining out, going to the movies, and meeting family and friends are limited to a bare minimum. Even greeting a stranger with a smile (because of having to wear a mask) and shaking hands to affirm one another is now a thing of the past. Travel have become non-existent. The loss of such activities, plans for leisure, and an absence of a bigger world to explore wears hard on our souls.

Man Shall Not Live by Bread Alone
That said, as much as we would like to sooth our senses, we need to feed our souls. Jesus once said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’ ”
It is with this in mind that I have decided to relaunch Tea Tattler to provide words of ancient wisdom in line with my faith to accompany our much cherished tea collection.
Tea and Devotion
Tea has been known across the ancient world as a good accompaniment to spiritual activities. It calms us down while helping the mind to focus. So, I welcome you into my virtual teahouse. The here and now can meet with the eternal, away from the fears and troubles of this day. Over a cuppa cha!
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”